Turkish history

Turkey is a country rich in culture and traditions. In this way, Turkish history begins in the year 9000 BC, when the first human settlements appeared in Anatolia or Asia Minor in places like Hacilar and Catalhdyük. Earlier 2500 BC these human settlements developed agriculture and livestock and they joined with other Asian people and formed “The Hattis Villages”. In the middle of 1900 BC the Anatolia`s lands were occupied by Assyrian commercial colonies, in this form the Hattis people knew the writing.  

The Hititas Empire

After the zone was occupied again by Hititas people (Descendants of the Hattis) they reached a great development in different aspects of life therefore they were known as The Hititas Empire. This civilization was very important in the region until the XIII and XII centuries, in which the Anatolia Lands were conquered by Cyrus the Great and the Persian Empire. In this time, Persia influenced the culture, traditions and manners of the Anatolia People.

The arrival of Alexander the Great

The arrival of Alexander the Great in 334 BC, he brought for them, new form of architecture, a new form of Government, and a new form of life. In a few words, Alejandro brought Greek Life to Anatolia. After, the Roman occupation was an important stage in this time; the roman inherited these lands by the King Attalos III of Pergamum, in this zone the roman founded its Asian province and may other cities like Bithynia, Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Pamphylia, Lycia and Cilicia. Most of them had great marinas, Roma constructed here advanced ports. During the Roman Peace (I and II AC) these cities reached a great development with roads and driveways that joined these towns.

The new capital of Roman Empire 

In 330 BC the Emperor Constantine declared in Byzantium the new capital of Roman Empire, from this time forward the city would be called Constantinople, now the city of Istanbul, this city and the eastern part of Roman Empire continued to live in harmony and peace while the western part was taken by the barbarians.  The war between the Roman Church and the Orthodox Church weakened the power of the Romano Byzantine Emperor who was defeated In the battle of Manzikert, in consequence, the Seljuk Turks occupied for few months the Region. Constantinople was conquered definitely by Ottoman forces of Mehmed the Conqueror in 1453.

The Arab Revolt

However, The Arab Revolt of 1917in the empire after the first world war, when the empire was defeated in front of western countries, caused a division in the great Ottoman Empire. In this form, Turkey was born as Nation in 1923 with its first president Mustafa Kemal. Consequently, the Asia map was changed in these moments.      

Turkey is a result of thousands of years of battles, conquests, empires and revolts. Knowing more about this magical country, traveling to Turkey, all an experience.

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